Recent news:

2025 Build Group and Mission Trip is Jan 5-15

There will be a small pastor’s conference on Feb.8 led by Terry Lewis from CEO Ministries.

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DVI Blog

Colegio Cristiana Divina Misión y Iglesia

Our school and church in Arroyo Seco is one of our primary ministries. They provide school classes for the primary grades, meals, clean drinking water for 100 students.


“Education is the key to breaking the relentless cycle of poverty.”


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Colegio Cristiana Divina Misión y Iglesia

Our school and church in Arroyo Seco is one of our primary ministries. They provide school classes for the primary grades, meals, clean drinking water for 90 students.


“Education is the key to breaking the relentless cycle of poverty.”


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Child Sponsorship - Freddy

Child Sponsorship

Through child sponsorship, Dominican Vision Inc. is able to pay the general operating costs of Colegio Cristiana Divina Misión in Arroyo Seco, where they provide meals, clean drinking water and a health benefits.

For only $40/month you will be a part of bringing hope and providing a brighter future for needy children in the Dominican Republic. Consider Sponsoring Child with Dominican Vision Inc.

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Build Groups

DVI is a Christian based ministry and this is a great way for church groups to reach out to the world with God’s love. However you do not have to belong to a Christian organization or church to join these build groups. We encourage couples to come and work too, or do a vacation/work combo. It will change your life as you help others.

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Build Group raising trusses for new building in the Dominican Republic
Leadership Training Retreat

Leadership Training

DVI’s leadership Training is having a significant impact in the Sosua region.  Several churches have been encouraged to select 2-3 leader couples from their church to attend 1-2 days of intensive teaching with Ernesto Pinto of Square One World Media.

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University Fellowship

We currently sponsor 5 students for university. The cost of a fellowship is $100.00 per month, per student. The students have to provide their own transportation and books. One student from our program has graduated as a doctor and is currently finishing her required government internship.

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Missions Trips

Helping the community. Yearly trips at the end of January.

(Formerly Vacation With A Purpose)

We were surprised and blessed to have a brave group come and
help us with the next projects
These consisted of digging a well and building a well house, building a recording studio and working on the garden which had been
planted last year. 
Five people from our Team of 7 came on the trip and we also invited 2 men, John Krueger and Cavy Braun, to come and advise us as a
Team.  As well, 8 others from Winnipeg and Vancouver Island joined
us to help build.

Get involved with DVI and reach out to the local community in Aroyo Seco. Join us on one of our trips to the Dominican Republic!

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lisa testimonial

“My time with the VWAP team in the DR was unforgettable in so many ways. I came not knowing how someone like me could best serve the community and built up fear and doubt in my heart. God quickly erased those feelings when we hit the ground…”

— Lisa