DVI’s leadership Training is having a significant impact in the Sosua region. Several churches have been encouraged to select 2-3 leader couples from their church to attend 1-2 days conferences with Ernesto and Marina Pinto on topics that are not taught in their churches such as: Leadership, Discipleship, Relationships, family, and more.

Many leaders in the Dominican may not receive much training or spiritual care, so they are eager to receive. DVI supplies them with Spanish Christian books on different topics, Bibles and materials they can use in their churches as these are luxuries in the D. R. After attending the training sessions, they are accountable to each other to implement them in their churches.

Since 2012 we have grown from a small group of 36, to over 200 passionate Dominicans in attendance. We’ve seen increased unity between the approximately 33 churches represented. God is using us to powerfully sharpen and equip these leaders as He grows His church.


“Being part of the ministry team, I was aware of the way the Dominicans carried the love, joy, and compassion of the Lord. I felt an immediate kinship and love for these people that made me want to bless them and uplift them any way I could. I developed a rapport with several and still often think of them and pray for them.”

— Brian

“I was very impressed with the Dominican people’s passion and with their love and devotion to the Lord. I remember the palpable power of their prayers over us, where I could tell they were hearing from God as to what to pray. At the retreat I was able to spend time with several women and shared with one in particular scriptures about fear, the power and love of the Lord for us.”

— Barb

“Braulio came with his wife in 2013 for the first time. Their marriage was in trouble and he had not given his life to Christ. He was told that God was “calling him to be a worshiper”. He was initially confused but touched by this., The next day he shared he had committed his life to Christ after a talk with Ernesto and asked his wife to forgive him. The next year he returned an enthusiastic leader in training. Their marriage was on the mend.”

— Dominican attendee to the retreat

“At the beginning of 2015 retreat we shared that God was going to spontaneously heal people. Alexander took that word “to heart”. He is a young man and had an enlarged heart and was limited in physical activities he could perform and so had a desk job in the army. During worship, he felt heat in his chest. After the retreat he was able to run after a cow he owned; he also immediately got himself checked out by a doctor said his heart was normal!! A year later he was parachuting out of an airplane (army exercise). Our God heals!”

— Dominican attendee to the retreat

Join our teaching and/or prayer team to help support Dominican leaders and pastors.

Get in contact with us if you would like to recieve more details on how you can get involved with DVI