DVI’s leadership Training is having a significant impact in the Sosua region. Several churches have been encouraged to select 2-3 leader couples from their church to attend 1-2 days conferences with Ernesto and Marina Pinto on topics that are not taught in their churches such as: Leadership, Discipleship, Relationships, family, and more.
Many leaders in the Dominican may not receive much training or spiritual care, so they are eager to receive. DVI supplies them with Spanish Christian books on different topics, Bibles and materials they can use in their churches as these are luxuries in the D. R. After attending the training sessions, they are accountable to each other to implement them in their churches.
Since 2012 we have grown from a small group of 36, to over 200 passionate Dominicans in attendance. We’ve seen increased unity between the approximately 33 churches represented. God is using us to powerfully sharpen and equip these leaders as He grows His church.