From Canada to Vallecito, D.R.
In the far-away village of Vallecito, an hour’s walk past the end of the road, a mother of 13 is at her wits end. There’d been very little food in the cramped, dirty, leaky hut for as long as she can remember. Her children are weighing on her heart. It has become too much to see them so hungry every day, and not be able to give them enough. Perhaps they’d get one meal a day if the oldest manages to sell their avocados at a good price in the market. This morning, she sent them all to stay with their father. It’s his turn to care for them. He can’t possibly provide less than I.
Meanwhile, Katy and Winston, a devoted couple from Los Charimicos on the north coast of Dominican Republic, had received some money from Dominican Vision Inc to buy food and distribute it to needy people. They were eager to help, and packed up the food they’d purchased in their old truck to make the journey to the road’s end. There, someone from the village met them with a donkey to haul the groceries, as they walked an hour to the village.
Finally they saw the humble shacks sprawled out over the countryside. Many of the people came running out to meet them. They were well known and recognized for their kind and generous hearts. Some of the villagers had received solar powered mp3 players of the whole bible. They were being strengthened in their spiritual walk. They listened to them while working in their fields, and then again with their families in the evening, discussing God’s truths and praying together. Families were being strengthened.

From one shack, a multitude of children came scampering out, eager to see the strangers. Katy asked them where their mom or dad was. “He’s inside. Come see.” She pulled Katy into the humble abode. After explaining to the man what they were doing there, he still seemed bewildered. “But why are you giving food to us? You have nothing to gain here. I don’t understand.” Katy and Winston shared about God’s love for everyone, and how even Canadians, who have never been to our land, give money so that we can buy food for those who need it most. “Well, I certainly need it more than ever today. My wife just sent me 13 children to feed! This must be the hand of God!”
After more discussion, Winston and Katy had the joy of leading this man to the Lord. He and his wife are now together again. They now have hope for a better life for their children and, day by day, with neighbour’s support and strength from the Lord, they are rising above their situation.
Let them give thanks to the LORD for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for mankind, for he satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things. Psalm 107: 8-9
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