From Part-Time to Full-Time Christian
Pedro considered himself a good man. He worked hard, loved his wife and kids, and tried to respect everyone. It was a sad day when his wife decided to take…
Surprise Packages
Luilly and Yanny Ovalle were delighted to be chosen to distribute food to the most needy in their neighbourhood. Eager to see the people’s reactions, they knocked…
Addicts Set Free
Garcia’s parents had had just enough of him. With Garcia around, things went missing, they slept with their valuables as they couldn’t trust their son to not steal from them. Something had to change…
From Canada to Vallecito, D.R.
In the far-away village of Vallecito, an hour’s walk past the end of the road, a mother of 13 is at her wits end…
Mentally Challenged Girl Saved from Begging on the Streets
A woman and her mentally challenged girl were in dire straits. The usual skimpy meals had dwindled down to practically nothing since the pandemic. No one had extras to give them. The only recourse…
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